Saturday 17 December 2016


Hey Everyone,

In this post I have made a simple illustration for a company for sesonal last minute gifts
this was done totally in photoshop and I had fun doing it

Below is the final output
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GIF Animation

Hey Everyone,

In this post, I have made a GIF animation for a company for a seasonal sale
this GIF was done in photoshop, each illustration was done in a different layer and in the timeline,
then they are converted into frames and then you can decide the duration for each frame and the no. of times it is to be looped and the then save it to web compatability.

Below is a simple GIF that I had created
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Wednesday 14 December 2016

Matte Paintings (Photoshop)

hey everyone,

These are a few Matte paintings I did in photoshop during my free time.
The Important thing I've learnt is the minute thing in a different layer makes a difference
it helps when you are trying to blend things in and so on and it is also easier to go back and correct.

Below are a few simple matte paintings I did in Photoshop, I was trying out different styles like different brush strokes to make it look like a digital painting or different shades all experimental
and below are the outputs.

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Random Hairstyles

hey everyone,

In this post I have a few random hairstyles that I sketched out roughly in Photoshop for a charater of mine that I wanna do hair simulations for in maya, I is quiet the challenge to create hair such as that I have created in my rough sketch and then simulate them, but I am really excited to give it a try go big or go home, right??!!

below is the rough sketches I made
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25th anniversary logo

hello everyone,

In this post the video is of a logo that I had made for my uncle and aunt's 25th anniversary, It was done from scratch without any third party plug in and let me tell you this it was fun and super easy to do I used a butterfly from the internet the wings in two different layers and body in another saved them all as different png images took them into after effects animated it to fly around and sit on the 25, it was super fun to do and also easy.

The final output video is below
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